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Spring 2018F804 - Medical Updates from the Health Professionals at Inova Fair Oaks Hospital - Coordinator: Cathey WeirBenign Colorectal Lecture [PPT] L809 - The History of Mathematics from 3300 BCE to 1200 CE - Instructor: Michael Flicker History of Mathematics of Egypt and Mesopotamia [PPTX] Early Greek [PPTX] Euclid of Alexandria [PPTX] Archimedes - Master of Thought [PPTX] Conics [PPTX] Heron, Nicomachus & Diophantus of Alexandria [PPTX] Chinese Mathematics [PPTX] Winter 2018F801 - History of the Universe (Classical) - Instructor: Mark DodgeHistory of the Universe 1st Week [PPTX] History of the Universe 2nd Week [PPTX] History of the Universe 3rd Week [PPTX] History of the Universe 4th Week [PPTX] L806 - Global Health: The Evolution of Today’s International Health Architecture and Future Impacts on Responding to Emerging Infectious Disease - Instructor: Felice Apter Presentation 1 [PPTX] Presentation 2 [PPTX] Summer 2017F805 - Medical Updates from the Health Professionals at Inova Fair Oaks Hospital - Coordinator: Cathey WeirArthritis and Joint Replacement - Zachary Weidner, M.D. [PDF] Summer 2017F802 - Bicycle Riding for the Chronologically Gifted - Instructor: Lorrin GarsonPresentation [PDF] Spring 2017R809 - Savvy Searching for Senior Health - Instructor: Janet CochranTop 100 Health Websites You Can Trust [PDF] Finding Health Information [PDF] Winter 2017F802 - Psychology Potpourri - Coordinator: Cathey WeirLinks between Stress, Thinking and Health - Linda D. Chrosniak [PPT] [PDF] Understanding Alzheimer's Disease [PPTX] [PDF] Sensory-Cognitive Interactions [PDF] Summer 2016F803 - “Honey, Turn Down the TV!” - A Consumer’s Holistic Guide to Living with Hearing Loss- Instructor: Bonnie O’Leary (LARGE FILES) Part One [PPTX] [PDF] Part Two [PPT] [PDF] L810 - Cybersecurity: Red Team, Blue Team - Instructor: Tom Manteuffel Week 1 [PPTX] [PDF] Week 2 [PPTX] [PDF] Week 3 [PDF] L812 - Exercise is Medicine, Food is Fuel - Instructor: Wendy Johnson MS, RDN Exercise is Medicine! Food is Fuel! [PPT] [PDF] Spring 2016F803 - Fourth Quarter Athletes: Mastering the 100+ Lifestyle Game - Instructors: Anne Drissel, Dave LloydHomework [DOCX] [PDF] Winter 2016F801 - The New Autism - Instructor: Ellen H. KorinThe New Autism - Life on The Autism Spectrum (REVISED) [PPT] F802 - Stress and Well-Being - Instructor: Ali A. Weinstein Stress and Well-Being [PPT] [PDF] Why Doesn’t Everyone React to Stress in the Same Way? [PPT] [PDF] Summer 2015R807 - Senior Moments? Fact, Fiction and Fixes - Instructor: Catherine WeirIntroduction, Prospective Memory, Culture [PPTX] [PDF] Short-term memory, Working memory, Working Memory Training [PPTX] [PDF] Long-term memory, Levels of processing - Fact, Fiction, and Fixes [PPTX] [PDF] Exercise, Memory at microscopic level, Dementia [PPTX] [PDF] Spring 2015L814 - The Innovators: How a Group of Hackers, Geniuses and Geeks Created the Digital Revolution- Instructor: Mark Weinstein Session 1 [PPTX] [PDF] Session 2 [PPTX] [PDF] Session 3 [PPTX] [PDF] Session 4 [PPTX] [PDF] Session 5 [PPTX] [PDF] Session 6 [PPTX] [PDF] Session 7 [PPTX] [PDF] Session 8 [PPTX] [PDF] F805/L815 - Space Weather and Hazards - Coordinators: Art Poland, Jeff Rosendhal (The password for videos is 3384) Week 2, Apr 2 [Video] - The Sun and Heliosphere Week 3, Apr 9 [Video] - Solar Activity and Magnetic Fields Week 4, Apr 16 [Video] - The Earth’s Magnetosphere I – Structure Week 5, Apr 23 [Video] - The Earth’s Magnetosphere II – Activity Week 7, May 7 [Video] - Coupling between Earth’s upper and lower atmosphere. Fall 2014F804 - Topics on Nuclear Power - Coordinators: Palmer McGrew, Paul MuradFukushima [PDF] Thorium [PDF] Fukushima Health Effects [PDF] L807 - Responses to Climate Change - Instructor: Robert
Eat Right [PDF] Food Groups & Portion Sizes [Word] VDA Nutrition Resources [Word] Nutrition Facts Label [PDF] More Resources [Word] Live Well! Tool Kit [PDF] [website] Food Intake Patterns [PDF] Results [PDF] |
Create Your Plate [Word] Food Group Weekly Tracker [PDF] Virginia Produce Chart [PDF] Reading Nutrition Labels [Word] Shopping List [PDF] MyPyramid Worksheet [PDF] Activity and Calories [Word] Calorie Levels [PDF] |
L803 - Mathematics: From the Egyptians to Archimedes - Michael Flicker
History of Mathematics (slides) [PDF]
Fall 2010
F801 - U.S. Health Care Reform - Bill Scanlon Week 1 - What’s Special about Health Care and the Uninsured [PPT] [PDF]
Week 2 - Controlling Costs [PDF] 5MB
Week 3 - Promoting Better Value and Quality of Care [PPT] [PDF]
Week 4 - Long Term Care [PPT] [PDF]
F803 - Major Chemicals and Plastics We Use Every Day - Brian Martin
Oct 19 - History of Chemistry [PDF] Haber‐Bosch Process [PDF]
Oct 26 - Bakelite [PDF] Thermoplastics [PDF]
Nov 2 - Silicones [PDF] Polyethylene [PDF]
Nov 9 - Chemicals and Plastics with Chlorine [PDF]
F804 - World Water Supply: The Coming Crisis - Eldor Pederson
Course syllabus [PDF]
A Glossary of Water Terminology [PDF]
F807 - Topics in Health and Human Services - Thom Clement, Coordinator
Oct 21 - The Future of Long-Term Care - Robin Remsburg [PPT] [PDF]
Aging in Place Alternatives - from Eileen Duggan [Word] [PDF]
Oct 28 - Health Reform and Medicare - Jack Hadley [PPT] [PDF]
Nov 4 - Long-Term Care and the CLASS Act -
Mark R. Meiners [PPT] [PDF]
Nov 11 - Overcoming the Hidden Stressors in Life -
J. Goodlett McDaniel [PPT] [PDF]
F808 - Where Your Next Meal May Come From - Barbara Osgood, Coordinator
Week 1 - What Happened to Grandma and Grandpa’s Farm?
Jim Cropper - Northeast Pasture Consortium [PPT]9.5MB [PDF]0.7MB
Week 2 - How does Our Garden Grow?
Jim MacDonald - ERS/USDA [PPT]2.6MB [PDF]0.6MB
Week 3 - Why Does a Gallon of Milk Cost $4?
Jim MacDonald - ERS/USDA [PPT] [PDF]
Week 7 - The “Double-edged Sword” of Agricultural Technology
Dr. Felix Spinelli - NRCS/USDA [PPT] [PDF]
Hearing release - BP Oil Spill [Word] [PDF]
R809 - Technology and Society - James Wentworth
Sep 21 - Communications [PPT]
Sep 28 - Artificial Intelligence [PPT]
Oct 5 - Robotics [PPT]
Oct 12 - Unintended Consequences [PPT]
R811 - Savvy Internet Searching for Senior Health - Janet Cochran
Top 100 Health Websites [PDF]
Choosing a Medigap Policy [PDF]
Web links - Patient Forums E-Newsletters Drugs
Doctor Locator Symptom Checker Insurance
Search Tips [PPT] [PDF]
L812 - Exercise for Health - Betty Price
Class 1 - Laying the Foundation [PPT]
Class 2 - Aerobic Exercise and Flexibility [PPT]
Class 3 - Strength Training [PPT]
Class 4 - Balance, Putting it all together [PPT] [PDF notes]
L813 - Topics in Science, Health and Technology - Ram Krisn, Coordinator
Oct 14 - William Bundy - Bringing Drugs to Market [PPT] [PDF]
Summer 2010
F802 - Only in America No One Dies - Dr. Nicholas J.
Robert [Powerpoint]4.3MB [PDF]1.2MB
L803 - Design of Naval Warships - Russell Kupferer
Survivability and the Design of Modern Warships [PDF] 3.0MB
R811 - Change Your Mind about Weight Loss - Beth Wiley
Course outline [Word] [PDF]
Redefining terms [Word] [PDF]
Questions to answer [Word] [PDF]
What's the plan? [PDF]
Activity suggestions [Word] [PDF]
Week at a glance [PDF]
Flow charts [PDF]
L813 - Volcanology: Part I, The Science - John Eichelberger
Week 1 [PDF] 2.7MB
Week 2 - Section 1 [PDF] 4.7MB Section 2 [PDF] 4.0MB
Note: large files may take a few minutes to download
L819 - Geomorphology: How Landforms Are Created - Barry Haack
Intro, Earth Materials [PDF] 2.5MB
Tectonic Forces [PDF] 3.6MB
Gradational Forces [PDF] 2.1MB
Landforms 1 [PDF] 2.8MB
Landforms 2 [PDF] 2.5MB
Spring 2010
F801 - The Universe: From Origins Through Life on Earth Mar 22 - The Universe - John C. Mather [PPT]5.8MB [PDF]0.6MB
Mar 29 - Solar System - Michael E. Summers [PDF]
Apr 12 - Evolution of plants - Jim Lawrey [PDF]
Apr 26 - Evolution of primates - Erika Bauer [PDF]3.0MB
[PPT]3.8MB - requires PowerPoint 2007 or Open XML Converter
F802 - Engineering Topics
Underwater Acoustic Engineering - Michael Flicker
Sound Surveillance System (SOSUS) [PDF]
R806 - Water, Water Everywhere - Alan B. Rubin
Water: Will There Be Enough? [Yes Magazine]
Las Vegas Running Out of Water... []
Stimulus cash needs to go right down the drain [PDF]
India - Water Problems [Word] [PDF]
Abstracts - Matt Ries Cy Jones John Woods Kathryn Jacobsen
Course overview [Word] [PDF]
Apr 15 - Dr Jerome Delli Priscoli - Background [Word] [PDF]
Water and Security [PDF]3.9MB
Ontario to ban toilets that waste water - Link to article
Power From Trash ... And Sewage, Too - Link to article
Apr 22 - Sustainable Water Management - Matt Ries [PDF]
Apr 29 - Water Conservation in Egypt - John Woods [PDF]
May 13 - Water Quality: Eurtrophication - Cy Jones [PDF]
L808 - Savvy Searching for Senior Health - Janet Cochran
Top 100 Health Websites [PDF]
Choosing a Medigap Policy [PDF]
Web links - Patient Forums E-Newsletters Drugs
Doctor Locator Symptom Checker Insurance
Search Tips [PPT] [PDF]
Winter 2010
F801 - Vaccines and VirusesOverview of Vaccines - Donna Chandler - Jan 25 [PDF]
Vaccine Production - Dr. Robert Kaminski [PDF]1.7MB
F803 - The Large Hadron Collider - John Metzler
What is a Collider? [PDF]3.3MB
What is a Hadron? [PDF]
How Large is Large? [PDF]3.0MB
Potential Contributions - [PDF]slides-2.0MB [PDF]handout-1.9MB
L807 - Cleaning Up Our Environment - Charles Brunner
Recycling and Energy Recovery [PDF]
L808 - Global Regional Climates - Barry Haack
Presentation [PPT]3.5MB [PDF]2.2MB
Fall 2009
F803 - Engineering TopicsNavigation & Flood Control - Tom Sands - Oct 19
Presentation [PDF]
Mississippi Valley Division [Web site] [History]
Satellite Communications - Dick McClure - Nov 2
[PowerPoint] 2.5MB [PDF] 0.7MB
F804 - Muscles in Motion
Pilates and Yoga - Lisa Brunson - Oct 27
You and your Core [Word] [PDF]
Yoga For Strong Legs [Word] [PDF]
Summer 2009
F809 - After the Flush: Options for Managing Biosolids - Alan RubinBiosolids Introduction [PowerPoint] 7MB [PDF] 2MB
Biosolids Management Evaluation Sheet [MS Word] [PDF]
Commentary: Stimulus cash needs to go right down the drain
L813 - PowerPoint Basics and Beyond - Suzy Jampoler
For overview and exercise files, click here.
Spring 2009
F801 - Science and Technology TodayWeek 4 - Spectrum Management and the Global Positioning System
- Presentation by Dana Johnson [PDF]
- Paper: Transformational Space Programs [PDF]
Winter 2009
L808 - Seminar in Science and
TechnologyWeek 1 - Today’s Transportation Technology [PowerPoint] [PDF]
Fall 2008
801 - Science and Technology Today 802 - Global Warming