Overview • Galleries (See Galleries) • Monthly Themes • Field Trips • Speakers • Projects
WIFT Definitions
Galleries (with parenthetical descriptions)
Routine Galleries
- Competition (up to two themed photos per month)
- WIFT (several themed field trip photos per week)
- WIP (one visually-conversational themed photo per week)
- WIC (one non-themed photo per week for critiquing)
Occasional Galleries
- Tyson’s Corner
- GMU Campus
- WHIM (short presentation of several photos, themed by photographer)
- National Museum of African-American History and Culture (non-COVID only)
Competition Galleries: Critique, non-Critique, Slideshow, Four Tops (no longer active). The Critique gallery is for photos entered into the competition and having a photographer’s context statement; these photos are critiqued. The non-Critique gallery is for photos entered into the competition. The Slideshow gallery contains copies of all the photos from the Critique and non-Critique galleries; we run the slideshow on continuous loop prior to voting. The Four Tops is populated from those images submitted to the competition that receive the highest four number of votes; as of May 2020, the status of this gallery is not determined.
TSM (Three Step Method): A critiquing method with three steps (impression, technique, assessment) described in http://ns-diversions-photo.blogspot.com/2017/01/. Also see the B&H Explora article for general guidance on giving and taking a critique at http://ns-diversions-photo.blogspot.com/2016/04/how-to-give-and-take-critique.html.
WIP (Weekly Image Potpourri): A non-themed gallery for members to upload one image per week. Some folks started uploading more than one image, so, from my perspective, that was justification for having other galleries for special projects (Tyson's and GMU were proposed and implemented), presentations (the WHIM) and an increase in the frequency of COVID-era “field trips” (all but the 2nd Fridays).
WIFT (Weekly Individual Field Trip): 1) The weekly COVID-era meeting that replaces the review of images (4th Friday) from the pre-COVID monthly group field trip (3rd Friday), and 2) a themed, weekly gallery for each WIFT meeting.
WIC (Weekly Image Critique): 1) A weekly process for becoming accustomed to judging photography by critiquing photos through the TSM, and 2) the weekly galleries containing the photos to be critiqued.
WHIM (WHatever Image Mélange): A gallery for a small set of members' images that would be viewed during a short presentation (no more than ten minutes) by the photographer.
Gallery Categories: Routine and Occasional. Routine galleries are for images generated on a periodic basis. Occasional galleries are for images a photographer would like to share and which are not taken periodically. Following are the current galleries in each category.
Routine Galleries
- Competition (up to two themed photos per month)
- WIFT (several themed field trip photos per week)
- WIP (one non-themed photo per week)
- WIC (one non-themed photo per week for critiquing)
Occasional Galleries
- Tyson’s Corner
- GMU Campus
- WHIM (short presentation of several photos, themed by photographer)
- National Museum of African-American History and Culture (non-COVID only)
Projects: Following development of the National Building Museum video, Angie suggested creating a similar video of images from all the museums the OPC visited during field trips. A group of photographers also proposed other types of videos. See The Producers! Workpage for further information.
Overview • Galleries (See Galleries) • Monthly Themes • Field Trips • Speakers • Projects