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The filenaming convention and uploading instructions for OPC courses are listed together on this page. Please see OPC File Naming Convention for complete filenaming information.
File Naming Convention for OPC Courses
The file naming convention for OLLI Photo Club (OPC) courses is similar to that used for the OPC’s routine galleries:
- The filename contains two fields: the photographer’s name and the image’s title,
- The title field of a filename will include up to two elements: the image’s descriptive title, and in some cases, a Photo ID to ensure filename uniqueness,
- “hyphens”, preceded and followed by a “space” character, will separate the two fields, and
- The title field may contain “spaces.”
The filename format "for this course only" is
LastnameFirstinitial - Title [ PhotoID ]
The brackets ( “[“ and “]” ) indicate an optional element in the filename. This optional element is used only to ensure filename uniqueness. The course’s instructor may require use of a particular form of the PhotoID.
When the title is unique
SmithJ - Beautiful Trees.jpg
When duplicate titles must be made unique
SmithJ - Beautiful Trees 1.jpg
SmithJ - Beautiful Trees 2.jpg
When the camera’s filename is used to ensure uniqueness
SmithJ - Beautiful Trees IMG_1234.jpg
SmithJ - Beautiful Trees IMG_5678.jpg
Other filename formats that will not be used in this course
The only characters allowed in a filename for this course are alphanumerics, “spaces,” “hyphens,” and, for camera filename elements only, “underbar.”
The “.jpg” suffix is normally appended by your PC’s software.
“PhotoID” is only required when needing to distinguish among multiple photos.
The last three examples are just for information purposes. They are other typical file naming formats designed to ensure uniqueness of file names, the first being a camera-generated filename, the second indicating the existence of an external photo “editor” such as PhotoShop, and the third a date and time stamp.
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Uploading Instructions for OPC Courses
- Create a JPEG (.jpg or .jpeg) photo named according to the "File Naming Convention" specified for the gallery. Note: Depending upon your workflow, you may not want to change the name of an original JPEG file; in this case, change the name of a copy of the original file.
- Enter the "upload link" into your browser to show the OPC’s "Upload to ‘Gallery’ ” window. Note: some courses have a "Sandbox" gallery to practice the upload process. You will receive an email from the instructor with an upload link for a Sandbox gallery (if used in the course) and for a gallery specific to each session of the course.
- Drag and drop your photo file(s) into the window (or "Browse Computer") using the file manager of your PC:
- in Microsoft Windows, the file manager is File Explorer;
- in Apple macOS, the file manager is Finder.
- Wait until the upload completes and click the "Done" button.
- View your images at the appropriate OPC gallery. For example, this course's galleries are maintained at the OPC photo repository (https://olliphotoclubgmu.smugmug.com), and the galleries can be found via the following menu sequence:
> Galleries
> Special
> OLLI Courses
> "Name of Course"
For example, access to the "Name of Course" could be
> Intermediate DSL Photography, 201809
Access to the practice gallery (Sandbox) would then be:
> "Course name abbreviation" Sandbox
(e.g., "> IDP 201809 Sandbox")
And access to the "Name of Course" for an assignment gallery would then be:
> "Course name abbreviation" YYYYMMDD
(e.g., "> IDP 20180918")
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