Overview • Galleries (See Galleries) • Monthly Themes • Field Trips • Speakers • Projects
This page lists the galleries for occasional personal photo projects or for personal field trips to nearby locations offering a wealth of photographic opportunities.
WHIM - WHatever Image Mélange
The WHIM is a gallery for members' short personal projects, e.g., a special event, a travel destination, photographer's profile, etc. After uploading no more than a dozen images, the member will present a short program of about ten minutes at an upcoming OPC meeting.
File Naming Convention
YYYYMMDD - LastnameFirstInitial - Short Title - [Sequence Number] - Photo ID
The gallery contains images in reverse file name sort order. Brackets ("[" and "]") indicate an optional field. Spaces are before and after hyphens for legibility.
"Sequence Number" functional only when "Short Title" is the same for all photos in the date batch.
Tyson's Corner Street and Architecture
A gallery for members to share their individual field trips to Tyson's Corner. Tyson's is a great suburban location for photographing architecture and people on the street. The distances between venues are fairly large but one can take advantage of COVID by parking almost anywhere on deserted streets and parking lots.
File Naming Convention
LastnameFirstInitial - Title - Photo ID
The gallery contains images in reverse date of upload sort order. Brackets ("[" and "]") indicate optional field. Spaces are before and after hyphens for legibility.
George Mason University Campus
A gallery for members to share their individual field trips to the GMU Campus. The GMU campus has some beautiful architecture, hardscapes, gardens, stands of trees, monuments, art, and people (even with social distancing). There is a charge for parking even during COVID.
File Naming Convention
LastnameFirstInitial - Title - Photo ID
The gallery contains images in reverse date of upload sort order. Brackets ("[" and "]") indicate optional field. Spaces are before and after hyphens for legibility.
Overview • Galleries (See Galleries) • Monthly Themes • Field Trips • Speakers • Projects