Click here to watch the short video about OLLI that was shown at OLLI's 25th Anniversary Party for members in November 2016.
Video News
Retired: Now What? OLLI at Mason!
This narrated slideshow, with music, was created in 2013 by OLLI member Dan Feighery. Its theme is how lifelong learning (in particular, OLLI at Mason) can offer an enriching and engaging option to the active retiree. Watch and learn about OLLI-Mason's academic classes and special events as well as the Institute's many ongoing activities -- including clubs and groups catering to a broad range of interests of members.
Tallwood Trio Performs
OLLI's newest musical group is the Tallwood Trio – shown below in excerpts from its performance at the 2013 Valentine's Day Party. Ernestine Meyer recorded a portion using her iPad ... and then Tallwood site assistant Bill Walsh's stationary camcorder, with a little assistance on his part, recorded more of the performance. Video editing by Rod Zumbro.
Slideshow: Grand Camp 2013
OLLI-MASON'S 2013 GRAND CAMP was held on Tuesday, July 30. OLLI member Dan Feighery took photos and created this slideshow, with music, to document the exciting day for members and their grandchildren.
Trip to Ireland 2012
NINE OLLI-MASON MEMBERS, two OLLI family members and 13 other travelers (including members of two other DC-area lifelong-learning institutes) visited Ireland for two weeks in September 2012, led by Mason professor emeritus Dr. Cóilín Owens. This is Rod Zumbro's video of trip highlights (adapted from a 42-minute DVD of a previous OLLI trip led by Prof. Owens, with new photos and new instrumental music). The trip included the major cities of Dublin and Galway, visits to the ancient passage tombs of Newgrange and Knowth, a "jaunting car" ride through Killarney National Park, a visit to the Heritage Centre at Cobh – site of massive Irish emigration, and a stay at one of Ireland's best castle hotels, Ashford Castle.
Day on the Bay
ON SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 2012, twenty OLLI members took a working "cruise" on the Chesapeake Bay out of Annapolis, Maryland, aboard the skipjack Stanley Norman, a vintage, oyster-dredging sailboat owned and operated by The Chesapeake Bay Foundation. Crewmembers gave talks on skipjack history, oyster-fishery history, oyster biology, Bay ecology and threats to it. While under sail, the boat dredged for oysters, and OLLI participants assisted in unfurling and hoisting sails, hauling in an oyster dredge, and culling the oyster catch. OLLI member Dick Young created this video of the event and graciously shared it with us.