JohnMiller, US Navy Vice Admiral (Ret.), Presented an Informative Analysisofthe Growing Danger of Strategic Competition, Confrontation, and Conflict; July 3
By Kathryn Russell, OLLI Program Committee Co-Chair
Have you noticed that OLLI catalogs are becoming heftier? That’s because our choices have grown substantially in recent years. Each term we choose from a stunning array of courses, special events, clubs, and ongoing activities. Then there’s the added advantage of choosing among in-person, Zoom, and hybrid classes. As we’re enjoying this fabulous summer term and anticipating the arrival of the fall catalog soon, this is a good time to reflect on how all these wonderful activities come into being. And to consider becoming a program volunteer.
There’s no magic involved. We begin with ideas generated not only by program planners, but also by many OLLI members. For example, you may come up with an idea inspired by a class you’re currently taking. You may discover a fascinating idea in the media or some other source. Or perhaps you’re thinking of teaching a class.
We invite you to come along and join in the process of program making. You’ll find so many rewards when you become an OLLI program volunteer. Volunteers often speak of the personal satisfaction that comes from sharing their talents with appreciative OLLI audiences. And they enjoy the camaraderie of their peers who share common interests.
One easy way to get involved is to attend one of the program planning group meetings that are held periodically, usually by Zoom. Look for announcements of these meetings in the E-News. For more information, contact one of the program planning leaders listed at the beginning of each subject area of the OLLI catalog. Or let one of the Program Committee co-chairs know about your interest. We want to hear from you!
Opportunities to Join the OLLI E-News Editorial Team
By Paul Van Hemel, E-News Chief Editor
If you love OLLI and are interested in an easy way to contribute a volunteer effort to the organization, here’s an opportunity to do so by becoming a member of the E-News editorial team. By serving one day every four or five weeks as Editor of the Week, you can have a positive impact on OLLI and enjoy a pleasant journalistic experience. We have openings for a couple of new editors.
E-News is one of several OLLI publications that is created using MailChimp software. We will teach you what you need to know and be able to do to put together an E-News issue. You don’t have to generate content, which generally is submitted by OLLI-member coordinators for committees, clubs, and activities. If you are interested and have questions or would like to know more, please contact me at Thanks!
Jerry Cheng, our instructor, has taught 500 classes for the Tai Chi Club on Zoom! He reached this milestone at the end of June. When the pandemic started in May 2020, Jerry suggested that we could benefit from the gentle exercise of Tai Chi three times a week, not just on Saturdays. We have classes at 4:30 on Tuesdays and Thursdays, allowing Jerry to return from work at his law practice, and also at 10:30 on Saturday mornings.
After the pandemic restrictions were reduced, Jerry has needed to miss teaching some classes because of court dates or client consultations. The OLLI members who host the meetings share a recent recording of a Tai Chi session when that happens. The 500-class milestone mentioned in the first sentence is when Jerry has been in-person on Zoom (is that an oxymoron?).
Some members miss seeing others in the TA-3 classroom, but others are quite pleased to exercise in private, avoiding traffic and parking challenges, and moving chairs before and after each lesson. Many OLLI members have been pleased to discover the benefits of regular physical activity that would not be possible without a virtual option at OLLI. Thank you, Jerry, for providing this opportunity for us!
Change of Date for Wednesday Chat Session This Coming Week
By Brenda Bloch-Young and Doris Bloch, Co‑Moderators
Team Bloch is unable to host the usual conversation hour on Wednesday, July 17. However, we are rescheduling, for this week only, to Tuesday, July 16 at 4:00. The proposed topic will be a discussion of all the careers and jobs that are no longer viable or much in demand (e.g., secretary, shoe repairman/woman, itinerant knife sharpener, union steward) and what jobs and careers have popped up to replace them (e.g., computer programmer, influencer, equal opportunity officer). Since we left school, worker demand has changed significantly!
Look for us in the coming week on Tuesday the 16th—we should be on the OLLI Daily Schedule, but you can always log into the 24/7 chat line to find us.
The Computer Club (OLLI Personal Computer User Group, or OPCUG) will meet with its partner, the Potomac Area Technology and Computer Society (PATACS) on Saturday, July 20, in person and via Zoom. The Zoom session opens at 12:45.
Secure File Deletion—Presented by John Krout
This presentation will help you understand how Windows stores your files. When you choose to delete a file, Windows delete a file you choose in a way that allows a File Recovery application to recover the deleted file, including the file name and the file data, during a limited time window. You will learn about Recuva, a zero-cost File Recovery application.
Sometimes, though, you want to make sure a file is deleted securely, in a way that prevents recovery of it. Examples include:
your gift idea list for anyone else in your house sharing use of the computer
before lending or donating the computer to a young techie-to-be who has no qualms about snooping around in the computer
if you sell the computer or send it out for repair.
You will learn what Secure File Deletion does to prevent file recovery in such cases. You will learn how to use that capability in three applications: CCleaner, File Shredder, both of which are zero-cost, and System Mechanic, a commercial application.
John Krout is a frequent presenter at our meetings on a wide range of computer, technology, and photography topics, and author of many articles for the PATACS Posts newsletter.
Windows Virtual Machines (VM): the What, Why, and How—Presented by Roger Fujii
This will be a quick primer on some Virtual Machine (VM) options available on Windows 10/11. It will cover what VMs are, what one would use a VM for, and how to set it up. Bring your questions about this little known but potentially highly‑useful technology.
Roger Fujii has helped OLLI with technology challenges for its email and LAN systems since 2006 and has been a PATACS stalwart since the ‘80s.
See full details on this meeting by clicking here. For information on the Computer Club, see the OPCUG Website. OPCUG dues are $5 and are now due for 2024 (and 2023, if you didn’t get around to paying last year!)—see for details on making payment.
To attend via Zoom’s cloud meeting service, beginning at 12:45, please click this link to join the meeting and use passcode 815677 (Note: enter passcode with NO spaces) or enter meeting ID 849 1732 2131 in the Zoom app and use the above passcode (preferred method), or dial in at 301-715-8592.
For tickets for either Center for the Arts Concert Hall (CFA) or HyltonCenter, call 1-888-945-2468. You can also buy tickets online through the event calendar (see the CFA ticket page link below) or visit the venue's box office. For more information, see the CFA ticket pageor the Hylton Center ticket purchase page.
Dr. Linda Apple Monson produces a periodic “Notes from the Director.” This email is full of information on interesting online performances by the students and faculty of the School of Music. If you would like to receive these bulletins, just sign up at this link to stay in touch. Also, the Center for the Arts has a websiteMason Arts at Home, which has a calendar of online events and access to many past performances.
Please note: OLLI Meetings and Clubs may currently take place in several formats: some are in person only, some are online only, and some are hybrid, meaning that they take place in person and are accessible online simultaneously. OLLI events and activities meeting online bear the identification "Z" in their course or event number (except clubs; you may need to check the OLLI calendar and daily schedule email for location and other event information). Refer to the university's coronavirus website for official university updates.
The following list covering the next two weeks is extracted for your convenience from the master online calendar maintained by the office. The list is accurate as of mid-week, but for the most up-to-date information, please view the latest forecast of coming events on our website (News/OLLI Calendar). Note: All OLLI members are welcome at, and encouraged to attend, meetings of the Board of Directors, committees and resource groups, kick-off coffees, etc., bolded below. The OLLI office has sent (or will send) emails with links and meeting passwords to club members; you may also log in at the member portal and click on ZOOM CLASS LINKS.
Sat Jul 13
10:30 am
Tai Chi Club – online
Mon Jul 15
9:30 am
10:00 am
4:00 pm
What’s in the Daily News? – online
Bridge Club
Family History/Genealogy Club – online
Tue Jul 16
1:00 pm
4:00 pm
4:30 pm
Stay Active and Independent for Life – online
Conversation with Team Bloch – online
Tai Chi Club – online
Wed Jul 17
4:00 pm
Spanish Club – online
Thu Jul 18
4:30 pm
Tai Chi Club – online
Fri Jul 19
9:30 am
9:30 am
9:30 am
10:00 am
11:00 am
1:00 pm
Dabbling Artists Club
Mah Jongg Club
Crafts and Conversation Board of Directors Meeting
Homer, etc. – online
Stay Active and Independent for Life – online
Sat Jul 20
10:30 am
1:00 pm
Tai Chi Club – online
Personal Computer User Group
Mon Jul 22
9:30 am
10:00 am
10:00 am
What’s in the Daily News? – online
Board Game Club
Bridge Club
Tue Jul 23
1:00 pm
4:30 pm
Stay Active and Independent for Life – online
Tai Chi Club – online
Wed Jul 24
2:00 pm
4:00 pm
4:00 pm
4:00 pm
7:00 pm
Memoir and More Writing Group – online
Mah Jongg Club – online
Theater Lovers’ Group
Conversation with Team Bloch – online
New Zealand and Ireland Travel – online
Thu Jul 25
4:30 pm
6:00 pm
7:00 pm
Tai Chi Club – online
Ethnic Eats Club – online
Canada and Portugal Travel – online
Fri Jul 26
9:30 am
10:00 am
11:00 am
12:00 noon
1:00 pm
2:30 pm
Crafts and Conversation
Spanish Club
Homer, etc. – online
Photography Club
Stay Active and Independent for Life – online
Caregivers Support Group – online
OLLI E-News was created by Rod Zumbro, who served as its editor from 2005 to 2013.
Editorial Staff
Chief Editor: Paul Van Hemel
Associate Editor: David Gundry
Weekly Editor Team: David Gundry, John Nash, Sheri Siesseger,Paul Van Hemel Proofreaders: Rebecca Jann, Susan Van Hemel, Tom Appich, Martha Kossoff, Anne Hartshorn, Bonnie Becker, Carol McManus
Submissions: Members are encouraged to submit letters to the editor, letters to Ms. Ollie Ettakit (on etiquette matters), OLLI-related news items, articles, and photos. Submit material to: Deadline: Tuesday, 6:00, for that week's issue (Monday, 6:00, for letters to the editor); early submissions are greatly appreciated. Please limit articles to about 250 words. Note: You can view past issues of OLLI E-News on the DocStore. To search the content of issues, use Search Our Site or put your search term in Google followed by "" without the quotes.