By Bob Heyer, Co-Coordinator, OLLI Walk & Talk Club
For the fall term, Marilyn (Harriman) and I achieved our goal of 101 members of the OLLI Walk & Talk Club!! Our objective is to facilitate President Lillian Brooks’s goal of getting more members back into the classroom by getting a maximum number of members together and involved in a common purpose activity, encouraging more involvement in in-person activities and events!
Although we had 101 members, many members have other activities drawing their time. We have averaged about 20 people on each walk & talk event, ranging from a minimum of about 14 to a maximum of 30. Additionally, we added to our events by having coffee and snacks afterward to continue our conversation started on the trail. We usually brief and then walk for an hour or so, plus another hour at coffee and conversations.
The key to our success has been spreading our walk locations from the Occoquan south to the Potomac River northward and from the east to the west covering a different cross-county trail and park in Fairfax County. Additionally, Marilyn has done a wonderful job locating and coordinating with some great bakeries, restaurants, and coffee shops! Her weekly email correspondence with club members covers where and when we are going with maps and pictures to make it easy to get started on time. We also make it a point for people to keep us informed by cell phone if they should need assistance to make a change before or on the walk.
The result has been a most enjoyable weekly event for our members as well as for Marilyn and me. Thank you for all your support in making this possible!
By Sulaiha (Su) Mastan, Diversity Committee Member
Northern Virginia is home to residents from multiple cultural, racial, ethnic, and faith groups; the area is expected to become more diverse over time.
OLLI is forming a new committee whose primary focus will be to look into diversifying its courses, events, activities,and memberships to be more reflective of the ever changing multicultural, multiracial, multi-ethnic, and multi-faith aspects of our community.
OLLI is seeking help from its membership, particularly members of Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC) communities and members of other minority groups. We are inviting you to share your experiences at OLLI and share insights into how OLLI can diversify its curriculum and memberships.
Please contact me at 703-606-1832 or send an email to Information shared will be kept confidential.
Editor’s Note: This article appeared in prior issues; it is repeated here to encourage members to share your experiences and insights.
How many times have we heard that saying. “It's better to give than to receive.” When I was a little boy and my mother was trying to instill in me a sense of understanding and compassion, I wasn't sure she knew what she was talking about. I certainly did look forward to birthdays and Christmas when, although limited in my family, I would receive a gift or two. But as I grew older, I slowly began to understand what my mother meant: it really does give a warm feeling to give or help out, or just do something nice for someone else.
Most of us reading this article are far better off than many others who might face financial, health, or just social issues. There are many opportunities to “give” whether money, time, or resources. And if you're like me, your mailbox and email accounts overflow with material from people and organizations offering you that opportunity, mostly legitimate and worthwhile, some only disguised as such. I have a file drawer filled with return address stickers and greeting cards designed to soften my attitude (read: feel guilty) toward their causes. I also have learned to respond by saying I recognize the importance of their cause or mission, but I have selected my charities to support. Too much “giving” can be a bad thing, too. If you get on one mailing're destined to be on many more!
During this holiday season when we are especially aware of the needs of others, we should be compassionate and do what we can to improve our world and, in return, improve our own good feelings. I remember a previous church minister, when asked how to determine a level of sharing, said, “Give until it feels good!” That's good advice for all of us. “Give until it feels good!”
May the spirit of this season – no matter what religion – bring joy and happiness to each of you. And may you have a healthy and prosperous 2024!
She pauses in her stroll to watch the street juggler rapt audience of small boys before him tennis balls circle without apparent effort first three, then four, and finally five continuing the pattern, his touch barely discernable. He tries out a few fancy turns, one ball spikes higher, one he launches and retrieves behind his back. Then—it was inevitable—one ball drops away. A collective gasp goes up from the watchers. Do they get it? That when grown-ups are good at what they do, even when an Oops interrupts, they can go on without a falter, focus continuing on what they expect of themselves.
For tickets for either Center for the Arts Concert Hall (CFA) or Hylton Center, call 1-888-945-2468, buy tickets online through the event calendar (see links below), or visit the venue's box office. For more information, see the CFA ticket pageor the Hylton Center ticket purchase page.
Dr. Linda Apple Monson produces a periodic “Notes from the Director.” This email is full of information on interesting online performances by the students and faculty of the School of Music. If you would like to receive these bulletins, just sign up at this linkto stay in touch. Also, the Center for the Arts has a website,Mason Arts at Home, which has a calendar of online events and access to many past performances.
Please note: OLLI Meetings and Clubs may currently take place in several formats: some are in person only, some are online only, and some are hybrid, meaning that they take place in person and are accessible online simultaneously. OLLI events and activities meeting online bear the identification "Z" in their course or event number (except clubs; you may need to check the OLLI calendar and daily schedule email for location and other event information). Refer to the university's coronavirus website for official university updates.
The following list covering the next two weeks is extracted for your convenience from the master online calendar maintained by the office. The list is accurate as of mid-week, but for the most up-to-date information, please view the latest forecast of coming events on our website (News/OLLI Calendar). Note: All OLLI members are welcome at, and encouraged to attend, meetings of the Board of Directors, committees and resource groups, kick-off coffees, etc. The OLLI office has sent (or will send) emails with links and meeting passwords to club members; you may also log in at the member portal and click on ZOOM CLASS LINKS.
Sat Dec 23
10:30 am
Tai Chi Club
Tue Dec 26
9:30 am
4:30 pm
Annex Art
Tai Chi Club
Wed Dec 27
2:00 pm
Memoir and More Writing Group
Thu Dec 28
11:50 am
4:30 pm
All the News
Tai Chi Club
Fri Dec 29
11:00 am
Homer, etc.
Sat Dec 30
10:30 am
12:00 noon
Tai Chi Club
OLLI Walk and Talk Club
Tue Jan 2
4:30 pm
7:00 pm
Tai Chi Club
Trivia Club
Wed Jan 3
10:00 am
10:30 am
4:00 pm
Bridge Club
Investment Forum
Spanish Club
Thu Jan 4
11:50 am
4:30 pm
All the News
Tai Chi Club
Fri Jan 5
9:30 am
9:30 am
11:00 am
Mah Jongg Club
Crafts and Conversation
Homer, etc.
OLLI E-News was created by Rod Zumbro, who served as its editor from 2005 to 2013.
Editorial Staff
Chief Editor: Paul Van Hemel
Associate Editor: David Gundry
Weekly Editor Team: David Gundry, John Nash, Sheri Siesseger,Paul Van Hemel Proofreaders: Rebecca Jann, Susan Van Hemel, Tom Appich, Martha Kossoff, Anne Hartshorn, Bonnie Becker, Carol McManus
Submissions: Members are encouraged to submit letters to the editor, letters to Ms. Ollie Ettakit (on etiquette matters), OLLI-related news items, articles, and photos. Submit material to: Deadline: Tuesday, 6:00, for that week's issue (Monday, 6:00, for letters to the editor); early submissions are greatly appreciated. Please limit articles to about 250 words. Note: You can view past issues of OLLI E-News on the DocStore. To search the content of issues, use Search Our Site or put your search term in Google followed by "" without the quotes.