We received a letter concerning when we will be leaving Tallwood. The letter stated that they understood that we would be leaving in 2007. This is absolutely not true. We will be moving to other quarters provided by George Mason, but not in the near future. The still current plan is to move to the University Based Retirement Community when it is completed. The initial discussions are underway with Sunrise Corporation with the approval of the Board of Visitors. The earliest date would be in the 2009/2010 time frame. The Planning Committee has done initial planning and will continue as more information becomes available. Charles Duggan, the University Liaison, monitors the status on a regular basis and advises the Board when there is any new information.
I was traveling out of the state during the Town Meeting, but my understanding is that it was well received and that Ben Gold did a masterful job as the coordinator. Also, the Holiday Luncheon will be on December 7 at the International Country Club in Fairfax. I hope everyone can come as it is always a fun event. Please sign up in the office.
Happy Thanksgiving to all.
Pat Carroll
President, Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at George Mason University