Fall Loudoun Newsletter
It is that time again. The weather is beginning to change, it is getting darker earlier and football is starting again. That must mean that the fall semester of OLLI is about to start. I hope you have all registered and gotten the classes that you wanted.
A big thank you to whomever put the OLLI Players Murder Mystery photos on the front of the catalog. We all feel very special. We already have ten gigs lined up for the fall and winter so we will be very busy.
Summer Term
Summer term was very busy for Loudoun but I only got to partake of Barbara Wilan's TED TALKS, which was amazing. This was due to a trip to Portugal and then a month- long bout with viral bronchitis. I am now ready to take on all that OLLI has to offer.
Fall Term
This fall Loudoun has an amazing array of classes. We have many courses available in history, religion, art, music and two one- time classes in keeping healthy and how to do it by working out in many new ways. How about L991, Gangs in Northern Virginia, L966, Greek Folk Tunes in Classical Music, L113 Understanding Opera, Part 1 and L116, The History of Animation. Loudoun is giving you a potpourri of classes with wonderful teachers. Remember we are a volunteer organization and these teachers must really want to share their knowledge with you. So, if you think you may miss 3 or more classes make sure the teacher knows or give your spot to someone who will attend all the classes.
Many times, classes are repeated so you may have another chance to partake of that course. This will save the teacher thinking that they are doing a poor job when attendance goes down. Thank you.
Also for your agenda, register now for our fabulous fall social, the OLLI Chili Fall Fest held at the United Christian Parish in Reston, Friday October 18 from 12:30-2:30pm. Instead of a cook-off, this year participants will be sharing and savoring favorite fall recipes to warm you up on a crisp day. So bring a pot of chili, corn bread, apple delights or any favorite fall dish that reminds you of home. We ask that you bring a dish based on your last name: chili or fall-themed main dish (AG), fall-themed side dish (H-O), fall themed dessert (P-Z). The Fall festival follows the OLLI monthly Board of Directors meeting which will be held at the United Christian Parish at 10am in rooms 113-115. Attend the meeting to learn about the latest undertakings of the Board.
Also make sure to mark your calendar to attend the Loudoun Listening Tour on Thursday, November 14, from 1:30-2:30 at Mason in Loudoun at Signal Hill Plaza. The executive director will be on hand to discuss the OLLI program and invite feedback and suggestions from the membership. Light refreshments will be served.
Future Classes
We are focusing on the country of Greece this term so come and partake of some of the Greek classes. If you have an idea of a country that you would like to focus on next, please let me know: [email protected]. I will take it to the next program meeting.
Loudoun has had great success with our social cultural luncheons and gatherings. We are looking for a replacement for our wonderful Judy Sapienza to help coordinate these offerings. If you like to plan and eat, please let me know and if two of you want to do it together that would be fine also. Please think about it. Don't take too long as we need you now!
Loudoun would also like some more Literature classes so if you would like to teach one or have a suggestion, let us know, not later, now!
Program planners are working on spring 2020 now, so if you have a class or special event you would like to see offered, let me know. There are usually five or six of us that plan the classes at Loudoun and that is a small but super group of volunteers. Come and join us , answer emails and let us know what you want. Barbara, Alice, Shannon and Leigh work really hard for you, so come out and support Loudoun OLLI. Our next meeting is on November 12 at 1:15-2:30.
Well, that seems to be it for me. I am ready for classes to start and I hope you are also. Thank you for thinking about what I have asked of you.
Kathie West
Loudoun Newsletter Author
[email protected]