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A Sampling of Art and Music Classes
- Singing for Fun
- The Soundies: Music Videos of the 1940's
- Watercolor Painting: Building Additional Skills Beyond Novice
- Songs From America's Wars
- Exploring the Value of Art
- Artificial Intelligence and Art
- Songs From America's Wars
See current catalog for all current term offerings. | Return to top
A Sampling of Current Event Classes
- What's in the Daily News
- Great Decisions
- Protect Yourself From Fraud
- Pundits, Polls and Politics! The '24 Election!
- The Russian Way of War
- All the News That's Fit to Print
See current catalog for all current term offerings. | Return to top
A Sampling of Economics and Finance Classes
- Current Economic Events and Their Effects on You
- The Investment Forum
- Federal Deficits and Debt: Putting Short-Term Patches on Medicare, Medicaid
and Social Security - SECURE ACT: Inherited IRA and 401(k) Rules Explained
- Living Trusts and Other Estate Planning Ideas and Alternatives
- Equity Investment Ideas from GMU Finance Students
See current catalog for all current term offerings. | Return to top
A Sampling of History Classes
- Centreville's Civil War Fortifications and the Path to War
- The Marshall Plan: An American Success Story
- Battleships
- Indian Law in America
- Issues and Politics of the Civil War
- Why the Founders Knew that Character Mattered
- Mason Libraries OLLI Member Panel Discussion: Women's Reproductive Rights
- Brunelleschi's Dome: Renaissance of Architecture
See current catalog for all current term offerings. | Return to top
A Sampling of Humanities and Social Sciences Classes
- Philosophical Foundations of Morality
- The Future of American Education
- TED Talk Discussion Group
- The Pros and Cons of a Universal Healthcare System for America
- Microaggressions and Implicit Bias
- What You Didn't Know About Single People
- Can We Heal a Fractured World?
- A Different Point of View:
Former U.S. Ambassadors Share their Global Perspectives
See current catalog for all current term offerings. | Return to top
A Sampling of Languages Classes
- Spanish Grammar and Conversation Parts 1-4
- Latin: Level 4
See current catalog for all current term offerings. | Return to top
A Sampling of Literature, Theatre and Writing Classes
- Shakespeare's King Lear
- The Odyssey: An Epic Poem by Homer
- So You Wanna Write Poetry
- Theater and Film Potpourri
- Classic Film Festival
- Memoir Writing
- Play Ball! On Film!
- Writers' Workshop
See current catalog for all current term offerings. | Return to top
A Sampling of Philosophy and Religious Studies Classes
- Holy Spirit, Fruit of the Spirit, Gifts of the Spirit, and Charisma
- The Bible's Lesson for Today
- White Supremacy as a Theory of History: Christian Nationalism and the Capitol Coup
- Women: Their Systematic Oppression and Denial of Equality
See current catalog for all current term offerings. | Return to top
A Sampling of Science, Technology and Health Classes
- Six Pillars of Brain Health
- Building Resilience: Embracing Hardiness in Later Life
- The Alphabet Soup of Medicare
- Can We Stop Climate Change?
- Chair Yoga and Meditation
- Under the Influence: A Brief History of Drug Use and Drunkenness
See current catalog for all current term offerings. | Return to top
More Classes to Pique Your Curiosity
- Monday Morning Lecture Series
- Writing a "Legacy Letter"
- Downsizing and Decluttering: You Can't Take It With You
- Eastern Stars: The Enchanting Cities of Eastern Europe
See current catalog for all current term offerings. | Return to top
Excursions, Special Events, and Travel Opportunities
- Walking in Georgetown
- Bus Tour of Gettysburg National Military Park
- Oktoberfest at OLLI Mason
- National Gallery of Art: Paris 1874: The Impressionist Moment
- Annual OLLI Holiday Party
See current catalog for all current term offerings. | Return to top