Have you noticed a new, yet familiar, face on the OLLI campus? It’s Maria Buczek, OLLI’s former Administrator/Registrar. She recently rejoined the OLLI staff as Loudoun site assistant, replacing Kathy Breen who retired last month.
Maria is OLLI’s “go-to” person for Loudoun logistics. Whether you need help with audio-visual equipment, classroom materials or event setup, Maria is on hand for all administrative and technical support during term hours. Maria’s skill set runs deep. Not only did she previously help OLLI with its registrations and administrative matters at Tallwood, but she also has served as the business manager for her husband’s consultant practice.
But don’t imagine that her work stops there. Maria also juggles family and many volunteer positions in addition to her professional responsibilities. She has three children—a 21-year-old son who is a full-time student at Mason, a 17-year-old son who is a high school senior entering college in the fall, and a 15-year-old daughter who is a high school freshman. Luckily, she still finds a few spare moments to enjoy reading (mostly via audiobook while exercising or cleaning), scrapbooking, and visiting the many wonderful Virginia wineries.
Maria says she is excited to be back at OLLI among such “interesting and wonderfully nice people.” Please stop by and welcome her back into the OLLI family!
Sometimes members need to drop out of OLLI-Mason due to illness, family issues, or extended travel. If you would like to stay in touch with what is happening at OLLI-Mason after leaving the organization, you can request to be included on the E-News courtesy copy list. Just send an email to [email protected] and put courtesy copy in the subject line.
The Publications Committee is seeking new members. The committee members edit the four annual OLLI catalogs, Poets of OLLI, the Members Handbook and OLLI Ink. If words, writing, and, of course, grammar, are your love, please join us. We could use some extra helping hands. Contact committee chair, Mary Jane Steele, at [email protected].
RSVP: [email protected]
Saturday, April 12
Church of the Good Shepherd
First, it was the Valentine’s Day Party, but it got iced over.
Then, it was Hearts & Shamrocks; that got snowed under.
But we refuse to give up! Please come and join us for ice cream, prizes, and a unique talent show!
PLEASE NOTE: We need everyone to re-register for this event. If you had registered for the Valentine’s Day or Hearts & Shamrocks parties (both of which were cancelled due to inclement weather), please DO register again.
Kerin Braudaway, our administrator/registrar has a variety of duties, all of which interact with other staff and OLLI members. She feels she does not have a typical day. “Every day is different,” she says. “I never know what will hit me.” She has many responsibilities in addition to registration. She helps to arrange special events such as teacher and staff appreciation luncheons and the annual OLLI cookout and picnic. She serves as liaison with George Mason for obtaining needed repairs. Since she arrived at OLLI, there have been frozen water pipes, broken windows, and the need to clear roads. Kerin considers Mason “fabulous to work with.”
She supports instructors by helping Bill Walsh provide handouts and special equipment. She assigns classrooms based on course requirements and number of registrations. She also recommends which classes should be moved off campus and, along with Beth Davis, selects and contacts off-campus venues needed for future term activities. In addition, she is the person who schedules make-up classes. One of the crises this winter term was scheduling over 50 make-up classes!
Member services include responding to emails (sometimes hundreds of emails in a single day), handling of member applications for Mason ID cards, preparation of new member packets, and orientation of new members to OLLI. The most interesting part of her job is interacting with members, especially volunteers. She is a people person and likes the diversity of the membership. Kerin enjoys administrative work, particularly working with people. “I enjoy folks, both members and staff. I get energy from people.”
Kerin loves working at OLLI. There is a great deal of work, but she can depend on the support and encouragement of the staff. There are challenges and sometimes crises, but no negatives or frustrations. A major challenge is learning new procedures, particularly new technology. Much of the technology and many of the procedures used in her previous position as marketing manager for an HMO are obsolete.
For example, printing jobs which were then contracted out are now done in-house. “I feel every day I’m doing on-the-job training. I love my work.” Clearly, Kerin is a key person to contact for many services. She meets OLLI needs beautifully and loves every aspect of her job.
The theme for the February Photo of the Month was “Love” and the theme for March was “Celebrations.”Because OLLI was closed on our meeting date in February, we combined the submissions and selected one photo for both months: Dan Feighery’s photo “Together.”
Cold wind
and a Fig Newton
accompany me
to the car,
The Great Gatsby
far away, yet
under my arm,
my sense of truth,
justice, ambition
without flaw,
thrusting away,
“boats beaten back,”
the dream receding.
I reach out. A
smooth metallic sur-
face comforts me.
Karen Hamilton, a long-time Fairfax English teacher at Frost Middle School, passed away in Texas on February 27. She was an LRI/OLLI member from 2001-2008 and served as a volunteer proofreader for the Publications Committee. When OLLI E-News was created in 2005, Karen became its chief proofreader and remained in that position even after Rod Zumbro promoted her to Deputy Editor in January 2006. She was so dedicated that she continued proofreading for us for months after she could no longer attend classes and had to let her membership expire. A farewell article appeared in the April 10, 2009, edition of E-News.
A memorial service for her will be held at Providence Presbyterian Church, 9019 Little River Turnpike, Fairfax, on March 29 at 1:30.
Her obituary appeared in the The Washington Post on March 10 and can be seen here.
For tickets for either CFA or Hylton, call tickets.com, buy tickets online through the event calendar (see links below), or visit the venue's box office. For more information see the CFA ticket page or the Hylton ticket purchase page.
Fairfax Symphony Orchestra: Chamber Works by Mozart, Varese, Britten and Shostakovich
Sat, Mar 22, 8:00
Sun, Mar 23, 2:00
Admission: $60, $45, $25
Harris Theatre
Keyboard Conversations® with Jeffrey Siegel: The Romantic Music of Chopin
Sun, Mar 30, 7:00
Admission: $38, $30, $19
Center for the Arts Concert Hall
George Mason National Pan-Hellenic Council Annual Step Show: “Who Run It?”
Sun, Mar 23, 5:45
Admission: $12 if purchased by Mar 15; $15
Center for the Arts Concert Hall
Jazz Combos Concert
Wed, Mar 26, 8:00
Admission: Free
De Laski, room 3001
Mason Players: The Rover
Thu, Mar 27, 8:00
Fri, Mar 28, 8:00
Sat, Mar 29, 2:00 and 8:00
Note: The 2:00 Sat performance is OLLI-Mason Special Event 983.
Admission: Adults, $20; seniors $15
George Mason University Dance Company 2014 Gala Concert
Fri, Mar 28 – Sat, Mar 29, 8:00
A reception on Grand Tier III follows the Saturday performance.
Admission: Adults, $20; seniors, $12
Center for the Arts Concert Hall
Mason Symphony Orchestra Open Rehearsal
Mon, Mar 31, 7:30
Admission: Free
Center for the Arts Concert Hall
Manassas Chorale: Voices United Concert
Sat, Mar 22, 7:30
Admission: Orchestra/Parterre, $20; 1st Balcony, $18
Merchant Hall
Pushcart Players: Happily Ever After—A Cinderella Tale
Sun, Mar 23, 2:00 and 4:00
Admission: Adults, $15; children, $5
Merchant Hall
Woodbridge Flute Choir, 6th Annual Concerto Scholarship Concert
Sun, Mar 23, 3:00
Admission: Adults, $15; seniors, students and military with ID, $12.50
Gregory Family Theater
Matinee Idylls: Dancing Heart Ensemble
Note: This performance is also OLLI-Mason Special Event 981.
Tue, Mar 25, 12:30, luncheon; 1:30, concert begins
Admission: $43, includes lunch; $20, concert only
Gregory Family Theater
Youth Orchestra of Prince William: A Night at the Opera
Sun, Mar 30, 4:00
Admission: Adults, $15; seniors 62+ and students, $12
Merchant Hall
Mason Symphony Orchestra with the Virginia Chamber Orchestra
Wed, Apr 2, 8:00
Admission: Adults, $15, seniors and students, $10
Merchant Hall
Ebb & Flow by Hannele Lahti
Continues through Sat, Apr 12
An exhibit of landscape photography featuring water.
Admission: Free
Buchanan Partners Art Gallery
Mason Highlights
Other Mason events, next two weeks
By Helen Ackerman, OLLI E-News Staff Writer
Poetry Reading. Poet Gregory Orr will be the honored speaker at the Ellen Anderson Reading, a joint venture of the Poetry Society of Virginia and the Creative Writing Program at George Mason. Mr. Orr, the winner of many awards, teaches at the University of Virginia. Thu, Mar 27, 7:30 to 9:00 at Mason Hall, Meese Room.Free.
Health & Fitness Expo. This popular event features interactive health education activities, participatory demonstrations, and fitness instruction and challenges. Community and on-campus organizations provide health information on topics such as nutrition, exercise, stress management, alternative therapies, and healthy self-care practices. Thu, Mar 27, 10:00 to 3:00. Johnson Center, Dewberry Hall. Free.
Visiting Filmmaker: Let the Fire Burn. Director Jason Osder has crafted a found-footage film that unfurls with the tension of a great thriller. On May 13, 1985, a longtime feud between the city of Philadelphia and the controversial radical urban group MOVE came to a deadly climax. Using only archival news coverage and interviews, Osder has brought to life one of the most tumultuous and largely forgotten clashes between government and citizens in modern American history. Sat, Mar 29, 7:30. Johnson Center, Cinema. A Q&A with filmmaker Jason Osder follows the screening. Free.
Lecture: Executive vice president of the Cato Institute David Boaz talks about capitalism and socialism. Boaz has played a key role in the libertarian movement. He is a provocative commentator and a leading authority on domestic issues such as education choice, drug legalization, the growth of government, and the rise of libertarianism. Mon, Mar 31, 5:30, reception, 6:00 lecture. Johnson Center, Room D. Free.
The following list covering the next two weeks is extracted for your convenience from the master online calendar maintained by the office, with direct web links added when available. The list is accurate as of mid-week but to check anytime for the latest information, please view the latest forecast of upcoming events on our website (News/OLLI Calendar). Note: All OLLI members are welcome at, and encouraged to attend, meetings of the Board of Directors, committees and resource groups, Kickoff Coffees, etc. (bolded below).
OLLI E-News was created by Rod Zumbro, who served as its editor from 2005 to 2013.
Current Editorial Staff
Chief Editor/Technical Editor: Irene Osterman
Associate Editor:
Weekly Editorial Team: Paul Van Hemel, Sheri Siesseger, Leslie Vandivere, Proofreaders: John West, Gordon Canyock, Susan Van Hemel
Backup Chief Editor: Sheri Siesseger
Submissions. Members are encouraged to submit letters to the editor, letters to Ms. Ollie Ettakit (on etiquette matters), OLLI-related news items, articles and photos. Submit material to: [email protected]. Deadline – 6:00 pm Tuesday for that week's issue (6:00 pm Monday for letters to the editor); early submissions are greatly appreciated. Please limit articles to about 250 words. Note: You can view past issues of OLLI E-News on the DocStore. To search the content of issues, use Search Our Site or put your search term in Google followed by "site:olli.gmu.edu/" without the quotes.