A fashion show featuring OLLI members as models will be held Tues, May 20. For details, including location and time, click here.
There will be a candidate forum in Loudoun at 9:30am on April 18th in room 231. To read the bios for the candidates for the Board of Directors, click here. Voting will take place May 2-15.
Registration is continuing for the Mason Center for Global Education four-week creative writing program in Ireland from May 25-June 23.You can find program details including the itinerary, dates, and costs here.
This spring has been a special time for OLLI-Reston as the community celebrated Reston’s 50th anniversary as a “new town,” and simultaneously celebrated Reston founder Robert Simon’s 100th birthday. Bob Simon has lived at Lake Anne in Reston since moving from New York about 20 years ago, and has been actively involved in everything going on in Reston, including OLLI, of which he was a member and supporter for years.
President Martha Scanlon presented Bob Simon with a certificate granting him attendance to any OLLI courses or special events of his choosing. It was presented on March 31 during the OLLI “Ongoing Pleasures of Music” class, a session designed by OLLI instructor Gloria Sussman as a tribute to Bob.
Press coverage of these anniversaries included multiple references to OLLI as a community resource available in Reston. A video in the online version of a front-page Washington Post article on March 29 included a brief interview with OLLI member Ben Gold. Several OLLI members happened to have lunch in Lake Anne after a class, and we found ourselves sitting next to Washington Post reporters (including Tom Jackman, who had recently spoken to an OLLI class) who were there to interview Bob Simon and his wife Cheryl. During a brief electrical outage in his condo building, Bob had walked down 13 flights of stairs to keep his interview commitment. This encounter with Bob and the reporters was a wonderful testament to Bob’s energy and to the sense of spontaneous community he created in Reston.
THE COMPUTER CLUB (OLLI Personal Computer User Group, or OPCUG) will meet with its partner, the Potomac Area Technology and Computer Society (PATACS), Saturday, April 19, at Tallwood. Join us at 12:30 for soft drinks and socializing in the social room. Presentations will begin at 1:00.
Learn 30:i(Phone) Once Was Lost—And How I Found, presentation by Steve Auerbach, PATACS.
Steve: “Apple offers an app called Find my iPhone. I will demonstrate how it works and talk a little about the location feature in the iPhone. And I will mention other applications that use it and some that should use it.”
Windows XP Expiration—Now What? Presentation by John Redmond, Keystone Computer.
With Microsoft withdrawing support for the Windows XP operating system in April, we've arranged a special presentation to help our members wrestling with this issue. Our speaker will explain the situation, outline people's options, and provide advice for moving forward. Here are the topics John plans to cover:
What are the risks if you continue to use Windows XP past the "expiration date"?
What alternatives do you have hardware-wise and software-wise?
Pros and cons of different solutions.
Recommendations for different scenarios.
See full details on this meeting by clicking here. For information on the Computer Club, see the OPCUG website. OPCUG dues of $5 for 2014 will be collected at this meeting.
Photography Club By Bob Kelberg, Photography Club Our speaker on Friday, April 11, will be Jean-Louis Monfraix, guitarist, naturalist, biologist, and photographer. Jean-Louis' work has been exhibited at the Smithsonian's Nature's Best exhibition and at the Florida Museum of Natural History, among other venues. He is also known for his images of Washington, D.C.
Mr. Monfraix's topic will be The Masai Mara: A Photographic Diary. This promises to be an exciting and engaging presentation. As always, the meeting will begin at 9:30.
The Tom Swift Squad Needs You! By Paul Howard, Audiovisual Support Committee Chair
OLLI'S AUDIOVISUAL SUPPORT COMMITTEE (a.k.a. the Tom Swift Squad) seeks additional volunteers to help ensure the smooth employment of OLLI's audiovisual resources. Our primary mission is to help instructors, liaisons, and staff with any audiovisual issues that might arise during the classes we attend. Our team is learning to use the LifeSize videoconferencing systems, which offer the ability to share classes and meetings between OLLI locations.
We'll be meeting at 1:45 on Wednesday, April 16, in Tallwood Cottage. We'll offer hands-on training on our classroom audiovisual equipment, discuss future activities, and undertake a storage enhancement project.
Please let me know if you're planning to attend or would like to become a "Swiftie" even if you can't attend this meeting. Contact me by email (preferred) or phone (703-860-9246703-860-9246).
Super Salad Social
By Carol Henderson, Reston Coordinator
It’s time to sign up for the potluck Super Salad Social on Friday, April 18, from 12:30 to 2:30 at the Rose Gallery, Reston Community Center at Lake Anne. Bring a salad (green salad, pasta or grain salad, fruit or fruit salad) or dessert, enjoy a lunch with colleagues and hear the Tallwood Trio play with singer Nancy Riley. Sign up at any OLLI campus.
As we did with the first Super Salad Social last year, the we chose the date because the OLLI Board is meeting up the road at OLLI-Loudoun. The timing allows attendees to follow the meeting with lunch in Reston. We apologize to those for whom Good Friday means they would rather not attend. As OLLI grows and the calendar gets more crowded, it becomes difficult to avoid conflicts with other events or observances.
There were days
That stretched into years
When an adventure with Diana
Was a canoe ride at dawn
Gliding Burke Lake Park
To the call of a swan
Called to do more with less
Now my life at 84
Is like I'm with
The shift in park
And the throttle
To the floor
I dare not blink
At the touch I'm off in a roar
With Diana in the lead
January on the Beach of Kauai
February the waters
Of the Caribbean
March the French Rivera
And surely there is still more
Hello. I am a new member of OLLI. I retired recently after teaching elementary school string orchestra in Fairfax County Public Schools for 33 years. I know there is a recorder group and a trio at OLLI. I wondered how many folks play a string instrument and might be interested in forming a string orchestra/ensemble club? Any old violins, violas, cellos, or basses in your attic from your high school years?
I can borrow easy string orchestra music from my former elementary school. If you play a band instrument and are interested, you would be welcome to play too, but I do not have access to music for full orchestra—only string orchestra. If interested, please contact Stephanie Trachtenberg at [email protected]. Thanks!
By Kathie West, Co-chair of the Literature, Language, and Theater Resource Group
Come one, come all. There is still time to join us for the Murder Mystery at Church of the Good Shepherd on June 4. Sign up on the OLLI web page on the registration site for Special Event #991. The cost is $25 per person to benefit OLLI membership.
Be part of the TRIBUTE TO THE GOLDEN VOICES OF THE 50's at the Bellagio Hotel in Vegas. You are special invitees! Enjoy a catered brunch with lots of mayhem and surprises. You will be included in the mystery. How can you refuse?
Enjoy the posters in all three sites. See if you can name all those singers of the 50's!
One of the many style solutions that can help you look instantly slimmer is to pick a flattering pattern for your body type. For example, vertical stripes, or even pinstripes, create an instantly slenderizing optical illusion.
Bloomies personal shopper Effie Elkorek will give more tips while OLLI's Silver Strutters model fashions for men and women at the Fashion Show and Luncheon on Tuesday, May 20, at the Country Club of Fairfax. Socializing and entertainment—Alan Wenberg and the Capitol Reunion Quartet—start at 10:30. After the fashion show, we'll enjoy a delicious lunch of your choice, a chance to win one of our fabulous door prizes, and a raffle for the Grand Prize—an overnight stay and breakfast for two at the nearby historic Ashby Inn. All this for an all-inclusive admission fee of just $55 per person. Feel free to bring guests.
Sign up today. Pick up a registration form at the OLLI office on your campus.
Want to help with the show? Volunteer to model, do table decorations, or meet 'n greet. It's a fundraiser with the accent on FUN.
Mason's Center for the Advancement of Well-Being has scheduled well–being events and opportunities that may be of interest to OLLI members. Full schedule and details are available on our website: http://wellbeing.gmu.edu/our-programs/spring-into-well-being-2014. Among the offerings are the following:
The Mindfulness Movie
Sat, April 12, 2:30—4.
A fun and educational journey showcasing the worldwide brain research proving the benefits of mindfulness and the public’s increasing awareness and acceptance of the practice. Optional 30-minute Q&A following the screening. Free popcorn!
Free. RSVP encouraged, but not required.
JC Cinema.
Goals and Self-Regulation Part II: A Pathway Toward a More Satisfying Life
Tues, April 15, 12—1.
Brown bag discussion with Dr. James Maddux continues from last semester. Part II will review theory and research on the contributions to well-being and life satisfaction of goals and progress toward goals through the exercise of self-regulation. Among the topics to be discussed are types of goals, willpower versus self-regulation, self-efficacy beliefs, and the role of goals in attaining mindfulness and "flow."’
Free. RSVP encouraged, but not required.
Research Hall 163.
Life Is What You Make It
Wed, April 16, 7-8:30.
Special one-night performance by award-winning composer, philanthropist, and New York Times best-selling author Peter Buffett combining a cello-accompanied piano and vocal performance with video clips. Peter shares candid stories about lessons learned growing up the son of billionaire investor Warren Buffett, his experience as a musician, mistakes he has made along the way, and how it's one's values that shape and define us as individuals. Book signing and light reception following concert.
$15 for general public; $10 for Mason faculty, staff and alumni; free for students with valid Mason ID. Purchase/pick up tickets at Center for the Arts Box Office.
Harris Theatre.
Inaugural Well-Being Day at Mason
Thurs, April 17
An uplifting day of activities and events dedicated to the knowledge, science, and practices that increase individual, community, and global well-being. Well-Being Day is part of the larger Spring Into Well-Beinginitiative.
For tickets for either CFA or Hylton, call 1-888-945-2468, buy tickets online through the event calendar (see links below), or visit the venue's box office. For more information see the CFA ticket page or the Hylton ticket purchase page.
At the Fairfax Campus Venues
Virginia Opera: Carmen
Fri, Apr 11, 8:00
Sun, Apr 13, 2:00
Don't miss this Virginia Opera production of Bizet's opera sung in French with English supertitles
A pre-performance discussion by a member of the company begins
45 minutes before each performance.
Admission: Fri - $86, $72, $44
Sun - $98, $80, $48
Center for the Arts Concert Hall
An Evening with Branford Marsalis
Sat, Apr 12, 8:00
Admission: $48, $40, $24
Center for the Arts Concert Hall
TAO: Phoenix Rising
Sat, Apr 12, 8:00
Sun, Apr 13, 4:00
This Taiko drumming ensemble, composed of both males and females, draws upon diverse backgrounds as rock musicians, gymnasts, and composers.
A pre-performance discussion by a member of the company begins
45 minutes before the performance.
Admission: $46, $38, $30
Merchant Hall
Ebb & Flow by Hannele Lahti
Continues through Sat, Apr 12
This is an exhibit of landscape photography featuring water.
Admission: Free
Buchanan Partners Art Gallery
Intersections of Art and Life by William Woodward and Becky Parrish
Tue, Apr 15 through Sat, May 24
Admission: Free
Buchanan Partners Art Gallery
Mason Highlights
Other Mason events, next two weeks
By Helen Ackerman, OLLI E-News Staff Writer
Seminar: Senior Advisor to the Administrator at Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Mandy Cohen will discuss “Perspectives on Health Care Reform.” Mon, Apr 14, noon to 1:30. Mason Hall, Room D005. Free.
Vision Series: Mason professor of education Elavie Ndura will discuss “Educating for Social Justice and Peace.” Grounded in the belief that every person can contribute to peacebuilding, this discussion calls for the re-framing of educational policies and practices to raise new critical questions and engineer new partnerships across ideological orientations and academic disciplines. The discussion highlights practical strategies for infusing multicultural education principles across the curriculum to guide the transformative journey that underlies efforts to educate for social justice and peace. Mon, Apr 21, 7:00. Center for the Arts, Concert Hall. Free.
The following list covering the next two weeks is extracted for your convenience from the master online calendar maintained by the office, with direct web links added when available. The list is accurate as of mid-week but to check anytime for the latest information, please view the latest forecast of upcoming events on our website (News/OLLI Calendar). Note: All OLLI members are welcome at, and encouraged to attend, meetings of the Board of Directors, committees and resource groups, Kickoff Coffees, etc. (bolded below).
Sat Apr 12
Tai Chi Club–TA-3
Tue Apr 15
Knitting and Needlework Club–Panera, Herndon
Wed Apr 16
Mah Jongg Club–TA-2
Bridge Club–TA-3
Fri Apr 18
Recorder Consort–TA-3
Craft and Conversation–Cottage Board of Directors Meeting–Loudoun
Homer, etc–Annex
Ulysses Book Club–TA-2
Cooking Club–Cottage
Sat Apr 19
Tai Chi Club–TA-3
Tue Apr 22
Knitting and Needlework Club–Panera, Herndon Strategic Planning Committee–Annex
Wed Apr 23
Bridge Club–TA-3
Fri Apr 25
Recorder Consort–TA-3
Travel Club–Cottage
Classic Fiction Book Club–Loudoun Rm 205
Homer, etc–Annex
Ulysses Book Club–TA-2
Photography Club–TA-1
OLLI E-News was created by Rod Zumbro, who served as its editor from 2005 to 2013.
Current Editorial Staff
Chief Editor/Technical Editor: Irene Osterman
Associate Editor:
Weekly Editorial Team: Paul Van Hemel, Sheri Siesseger, Leslie Vandivere, Proofreaders: John West, Gordon Canyock, Susan Van Hemel
Backup Chief Editor: Sheri Siesseger
Submissions. Members are encouraged to submit letters to the editor, letters to Ms. Ollie Ettakit (on etiquette matters), OLLI-related news items, articles and photos. Submit material to: [email protected]. Deadline – 6:00 pm Tuesday for that week's issue (6:00 pm Monday for letters to the editor); early submissions are greatly appreciated. Please limit articles to about 250 words. Note: You can view past issues of OLLI E-News on the DocStore. To search the content of issues, use Search Our Site or put your search term in Google followed by "site:olli.gmu.edu/" without the quotes.