Thomas Clement is the new OLLI executive director as of 2008. On Friday, December 14, the OLLI Board accepted the recommendation of the Search Committee and voted unanimously to empower me as president to offer the position of OLLI executive director to Thomas Clement. Recently retired from the Fairfax County School System, he has been a principal and teacher and has held leadership positions in the Fairfax Association of Elementary School Principals.I will be working out the details of a written agreement with him this week.He will be meeting with outgoing ED Dick Chobot this week to effect a smooth transition and will start at OLLI in early January. He will spend his first few weeks getting acquainted with staff and OLLI operations at all locations and will look forward to meeting members as winter term classes begin.
My thanks and gratitude to the nine members of the ED Search Committee, chaired by Carol Henderson, for an excellent effort. They received over 50 applications from as far away as China. Eight of the candidates were interviewed to narrow it down to the top two. Mr. Clement was recommended to the Board as the overall top candidate.
Pat Carroll
President, Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at George Mason University