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OLLI Walk and Talk Club
OLLI GMU Walk & Talk Club Mission
& Answers to Frequently Asked Questions
Meeting Frequency: Weekly/Biweekly
Start Times Between 8 AM and 2 PM, depending on class schedules and weather conditions
Location Fairfax Country Trails and Neighborhoods
Coordinators (click on the name to send an email message):
Marilyn Harriman
Bob Heyer
Fall 2023 OLLI Catalog Description that includes our Mission
Do you enjoy getting out in the fresh air, exploring trails in the area, and talking with new and old friends? Then join us for weekly/biweekly walks throughout the year. Fairfax County has many exciting park trails and neighborhoods that we will discover. Club walks begin between 8 AM and 2 PM, depending on temperature and weather conditions, generally starting earlier in warmer and later in colder weather. Each walk is 45-75 minutes, with an optional after-meet-up at a coffee /tea/ eatery shop. Walk or lead a walk around Fairfax trails and neighborhoods!
Club co-chairs send advance announcements about upcoming walks, including location directions, dates, and times. All walkers must be registered to participate. Register with the club through the OLLI member portal to receive walk schedule information.
Question: Who determines where we will walk?
Answer: Club coordinators try to vary the trail locations based on where club members live. We have members who live as far west as Reston and as far east as Lorton. We may walk in Herndon one week and Lorton the following week. Club coordinators also choose sites based on interesting trail sites and club member recommendations. Most important, those who volunteer to lead a walk choose a trail they’d like us to explore. So, when club members volunteer to lead hikes, they choose the walk locations.
Question: How far do you walk, and what is the pace?
Answer: Walk Distance is typically about 2 miles long; some trail walks have been 1.5 miles, and some have been 3. We plan our hikes to take about 60-75 minutes. The Pace will vary among walkers. Some walkers move at 2.8 mph while other club members move at 2.2 m.p.h. We work to accommodate several levels, and someone in the group usually moves at your preferred speed and conversation interests.
Question: What do I do if I want to stop and turn back?
Answer: If you need to end your walk early (you’re not feeling well, have an appointment, etc.), please let one of the coordinators know you are leaving so we know your plans have changed and aren’t lost on the trail.
Question: How do I lead a walk?
Answer: The coordinators welcome and encourage club members to be guides on walk outings. Contact Bob Heyer or Marilyn Harriman at to let us know where and when you’d like to lead a walk.
Question: Why are walks held on different days and times for each outing?
Answer: Walk & Talk Club members who lead walks and club coordinators choose the day and time they can lead the walk based on their availability and the OLLI schedule. During Spring and Fall, we generally hold walks before or after class sessions begin- i.e., 8 AM or 2 PM. We also choose walk times and days based on the venue. Some trails and parks open at 10 AM, and we plan based on the park hours.
Question: Why must I register in the club to attend a walk?
Answer: There are a couple of reasons: 1) OLLI members must register each term for all clubs and courses to ensure the integrity and solvency of the OLLI organization, 2) to protect members’ investment in the organization and 3) Club Coordinators email members through the OLLI distribution system with specific walk schedules, locations, trail directions, and date or time changes. If you are not registered, you won’t receive the emails.
Question: When and how do I register for the club each term?
Answer: The Registration start date for clubs and classes, for the upcoming term, is announced about a month ahead of the new term’s first class day on the OLLI website, on the back of the catalog for the upcoming term, and through our club emails.
To register online, 1) Log into your OLLI member portal 2) In the search box in the upper right corner, “: Search for a class,” type in “OLLI WALK TALK Fall” or whatever season is coming up. The correct season and club should appear on the screen 3) Click on the course title and add it to your cart. Please note that this is different from registering for an academic course. 4) Once your club is in your cart, check out from your cart. Click “checkout.” The system will send you to a page to check an “I agree to OLLI policies.” Check that box and click the checkout directive on that page. You should receive a “Congratulations! Your transaction is complete” message. You should also receive an email that confirms you are registered for the club for that specific term. You are set!
If you don’t receive a “Congratulations” notice and an email confirmation, you haven’t completed the process and are not registered.
IMPORTANT NOTE: The Dates given for the Fall term, 12/31/2023- 12/31/2023 for OLLI Walk & Talk are different from the actual dates we will walk! That is an arbitrary date the administrator puts in for the club for the term. We walk year-round, even between terms.
To register through the registrar, Susan Job, email her at [email protected]
She will process your club registration.
Question: Why must I RSVP ahead of time for each walk?
Answer: The coordinators keep track of who is coming, so we know to look for you before we begin our walk and to be aware of who in the club is on the trail. RSVPs are taken for those who plan to walk. You do not need to tell us if you aren’t coming on a given outing.
Question: How long do we wait for walkers to arrive at the parking site before we start walking?
Answer: If one or more persons are missing at the start time, we wait five minutes. Then, one of the coordinators (Marilyn and/or Bob) gives announcements and reminders about upcoming walks and a reminder about the after-meet-up location. We then begin walking. We provide a brief orientation of the current day’s trail to be hiked.
If all who have RSVP’d “I’m coming” are present at the start time, we begin at the stated start time. We also typically ask each walker to introduce himself/herself and wear their OLLI nametag.
Question: Why must I bring my cell phone for a walk?
Answer: The club coordinators want to be able to contact walkers while on the trail because our walkers move at different rates, and we want to make sure we have not lost anyone. Also, you may need to contact us while on the trail, especially if you decide to turn around and leave early due to a problem or other commitments.
Question: Why do club coordinators want me to provide my cell phone number to them?
Answer: Club coordinators sometimes need to contact walkers the morning of a walk when the weather changes our plans (Code Red Air Quality Alert, imminent Rain or Snow). Sometimes coordinators need to contact walkers to ensure they are still coming or get them while on the trail.
Question: May I bring a non-OLLI member spouse or friend on a walk?
Answer: Non- Olli member spouses, partners, and friends of OLLI members are welcome to attend a walk with a club member as a guest.
Question: What do I do if I get lost on the way to the walk location?
Answer: Call Marilyn (703-725-0965) or Bob (571-214-8597) on our cell phones and let one of us know you are lost and need directions from where you are. We will do our best to orient you to the location.
Question: What is the after-walk component of the club about?
Answer: Club members who’d like to continue conversations and socialize with coffee, tea, or beverages, and a snack or lunch, depending on the time of day, meet after the outing at a café or restaurant planned ahead of the walk date. We choose an eatery 15 minutes or less from the walk site. The after-walk meet-up is optional.
Question: Why must I tell the coordinator beforehand if I’m attending the restaurant part of the outing?
Answer: Our after-walk meet-up groups can number in the teens and twenties. So, we reserve a table to support everyone having a place to sit. Also, some venues are physically small and/or can only accommodate a limited number in a reservation party. We need to have an accurate count when we reserve a table.
Question: Does the club provide rides or carpool to trails?
Answer: Club members live throughout Fairfax County and in Loudon. The club is not set up to provide rides or to organize carpools. Club members are welcome to organize rides and/or carpools among themselves.
We hope this Q&A addresses any questions you may have. If you have a question we haven’t answered, please email either or both of us, and we’ll reply as soon as possible.
This Guide with Q&A is current as of July 15, 2023.
Happy Trails,
Marilyn Harriman and Bob Heyer