OLLI E-News #21-11 of May 27, 2011
Issue #21-11 of May 27, 2011
Print a condensed pdf copy of this newsletter, two Web pages per sheet of paper

> E-NEWS SUBMISSIONS. Contrary to last week's plan, Editor Rod Zumbro did this week's issue of OLLI E-News, but Backup Editor Ernestine Meyer will be doing NEXT week's issue (Jun 3). Please submit all articles/notices to Ernestine via email.
> STAUNTON/BLACKFRIARS REGISTRATION. If you were unable to register for special event 951 or 952, please contact the office to register.
CONTENTS FOR FRI, MAY 27, 2011 About OLLI E-News
> ELECTION RESULTS. New Board members. By Dick Young
> EVALUATING SCHEDULE CHANGES. From the executive director. By Thom Clement
> FORMER SSGT JIM MILLER HELPS VETERANS. Works as Veteran Transition Coordinator at Mason. By John Woods

> DEPARTING BOARD MEMBERS. Recognizing their service to OLLI. By Rod Zumbro
> OLLI PLAYERS TO AGAIN PERFORM AT MASON. Theater of the First Amendment's First Light program. By Eileen Duggan
> SINGING FOR FUN PERFORMS. A visit to The Virginian retirement community.
. Nature's Best Exhibit, Smithsonian Natural History Museum.
LILYAN SPERO. Founding member, third president, honorary board member for life, active member for 20 years.
Selected by the OLLI Poetry Workshop.
> MASON HIGHLIGHTS. Other Mason events. By Helen Ackerman

> HYLTON ARTS AND MUSIC. Upcoming Manassas performances.
By Sheri Siesseger
> COMING ATTRACTIONS. Upcoming non-class events at OLLI.

New Board members
By Dick Young, 2011 Nominating Committee Chair
From left, Gordon Canyock, Ernestine Meyer, Manny Pablo, Martha Scanlon, Imogene Willis, Bob Zener.
THE BALLOTS HAVE BEEN CAST and counted. The candidates elected to serve on OLLI's Board of Directors until 2014 are Gordon Canyock, Ernestine Meyer, Manny Pablo, Martha Scanlon, Imogene Willis and Bob Zener. We extend our congratulations to them.
     The voter turnout was similar to recent years, with 421 members voting.
     This election represents the infusion of new blood into the Board as Ernestine Meyer, Martha Scanlon, Imogene Willis and Bob Zener have not previously run or served. OLLI's president, Manny Pablo, was elected for a second three-year term on the Board, and Gordon Canyock is returning to the Board after a two-year absence required by the bylaws.
     The Committee is grateful to all candidates for their effective and capable participation in the election process. There was a narrow margin between successful and unsuccessful candidates. We believe that the candidates who were not elected will continue to be among OLLI's greatest contributors and that they deserve consideration to fill any Board positions that may be vacated.
     The six successful candidates will meet on Friday, June 10 with the 12 carryover Board members to elect the officers who will serve OLLI until next year's election.
     For their fine work, I extend my personal thanks to the members of the Nominating Committee – Debbie Halverson, Rosemary McDonald, Ted Parker, Mary Ann Seesholtz and Kathie West.

Editor's note. To see the names and profiles of Board members, committee and resource-group chairs, and management/staff, click here to view our Website's Organization page.
From the executive director
By Thom Clement, Executive Director
WE ALL KNOW THAT the OLLI program has become increasingly rich over the years. The good news is that members have more choices from a broad diversity of topics and excellent presenters. Programs in Reston and Loudoun have developed their own character based on the interests of members and the resources available closer to those sites. Along with our growth, we have experienced challenges in scheduling.
      There is no schedule that is perfect for everyone all of the time. In the interest of continual improvement, we monitor the responses of members when we make adjustments. The class times in Loudoun were adjusted earlier this year, and we would like to hear from a wide range of OLLI members – via an online survey – who have opinions about the scheduling of classes. Whether or not you attended classes in Loudoun this term, we'd like to hear your perspective.
     Please click on the following link to participate in this online survey:
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Works as Veteran Transition Coordinator at Mason

By John Woods, Development Committee Chair

STAFF SERGEANT JIM MILLER left the Marine Corps after eight years of service on August 18, 2009 and started classes 12 days later at George Mason University. Jim (photo above right) was in Iraq when he applied to Mason. While serving his third and final tour, Jim says he was fortunate to have had access to a computer, so he could plan the next stage of his life while serving his country. He turned to Mason's Office of Military Services for assistance with the college application process. Jim ended up working there – as a Veteran Transition Coordinator, helping other veterans make the same transition.
     OLLI's special fundraising campaign – OLLI Supports Our Vets – has a goal to raise $20,000 for the Office of Military Services in commemoration of OLLI's 20th anniversary this year. Created in 2008, this Office has become a one-stop shop for information and assistance regarding admission to the University and use of the Post-9/11 GI Bill and other veteran benefits. Mason is one of the few schools in the country to have such an office. There are currently 1,575 veterans, active-duty service members and family members at Mason for whom the Office provides assistance.
      One of Jim's highlights while a Mason student was being asked by the White House to introduce President Obama, who was giving a speech on campus (see link below). Jim, along with Jennifer Connors, Director of the Office of Military Services, attended the OLLI annual meeting and picnic on May 6. After the picnic, OLLI member David Mason interviewed Jim. In the interview (see link below), Jim tells more about himself and the Office of Military Services.
     We hope every OLLI member will make a generous contribution to this special campaign.
Online resources for more information (click to view)—
  • David Mason's video interview of veteran Jim Miller
  • White House blog story of Jim Miller
  • Mason Spirit magazine article (May 2011) "Making the Most of the Military Mindset"
  • Video message to OLLI members from Jennifer Conners, Mason Office of Military Services
  • OLLI campaign flyer (pdf) with tear-off credit card/check/cash donation form that can be given to staff at any site or mailed to OLLI
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Recognizing their service to OLLI
By Rod Zumbro, OLLI E-News Editor, Board member
four members of OLLI's Board of Directors will be replaced by newly elected directors. It's time to recognize these departing Board members—Kathleen Meyer, Bob Persell, Jack Underhill and Kathie West—who have served faithfully on behalf of the membership. Kathleen, Bob and Kathie served three years, and Jack served more than four years (since February 2007).

From left, Kathleen Meyer, Bob Persell, Jack Underhill, Kathie West.
Click any photo above to view the person's profile in OLLI E-News.
     Despite spending the significant time on Board matters required of a director, these individuals were also active in other volunteer activities at OLLI. During their Board terms, Kathleen and Jack each served for one year as secretary, and Kathie served for one year as vice president. All four departing directors were instrumental in helping the Board make its many important governance decisions during recent years. On behalf of the membership, I want to thank Kathleen, Bob, Jack and Kathie for their years of selfless dedication to our wonderful Institute. We will miss you on the Board!
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Theater of the First Amendment's First Light program
By Eileen Duggan, President, Friends of Theater at Mason
ON SUNDAY, JUNE 5, THE OLLI PLAYERS will once again present staged readings of original short plays written by OLLI members. Under the direction of Kathie West, our thespian group will read and perform the following four original works:
  • Conrad Geller's The Turing Machine, a thought-provoking work about consciousness;
  • Bob Greenspan's Somewhere in Italy, a story of love and loss;
  • Manny Pablo's No Pets Allowed, a tale of a cat hater with a long-kept secret; and
  • Thelma Weiner's The Asteroid Apophis, a comedic take on reactions to the imminent destruction of Planet Earth.
     The plays will be presented in TheaterSpace on the Mason campus at 1:00. Each play is 10-15 minutes long, and at the end of the program there will be a Q&A session where you can quiz the playwrights, directors and actors. Admission is free – with open seating. The OLLI program has been a very popular event for the past five years so be sure to arrive early to get a good seat.
     OLLI participants truly appreciate the loyal support shown by fellow OLLI members. Please come on June 5 to support your OLLI colleagues, and enjoy a magical afternoon of theater.
     After the OLLI program, two winning Mason student plays selected from the Student Playwright Competition and Mentorship Program will be performed at 3:00 and 5:00, respectively. The First Light program will then resume the following weekend with the reading of three new works by professional playwrights – one Friday evening, June 10 and two on Saturday, June 11. Click here for details, including directions and a complete listing of performances for both weekends.
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A visit to The Virginian retirement community

Singing for Fun group serenades seniors at The Virginian in Fairfax; inset, Helen Anderson and Palmer McGrew waltz to the music. Photos by Sandy Mitchell.
ON THE LAST DAY of their spring class, Singing for Fun members visited The Virginian retirement community in Fairfax to deliver their rendition of old Broadway show tunes to a crowded room of senior citizens, who did plenty of singing along. Included was an old-fashioned waltz by Helen Anderson and Palmer McGrew; they were spectacular, and the dance was well received by the audience.
The Singing for Fun group is led by Linda George and accompanied by Gayle Parsons. To join this class, you needn't have a perfect voice – just the desire to have fun while remembering the wonderful music of "Old Broadway."
-- By Sandy Mitchell, OLLI member
Nature's Best Exhibit, Smithsonian Natural History Museum

OLLI Photography Club members at the Nature's Best exhibit; photo by Dan Feighery.
ON THURSDAY, MAY 19, Mr. Charles Veatch, Chairman of Nature's Best Publishing LLC, led a group of OLLI Photography Club members on a private tour of the Windland Smith Rice International 2010 Awards Exhibition at the Smithsonian Natural History Museum. This celebration of creative talent and discovery has become one of the most prestigious competitions of its kind, uncovering new photographers and new perspectives from around the globe.
     The exhibit features a selection of 39 enlarged photographic prints, ranging in size from 2-foot by 3-foot to 4-foot by 6-foot, from the 2010 Nature's Best Photography Awards. This fantastic grouping of the best nature photographs from around the world is on display until September 25.

-- By Dan Feighery, OLLI Photography Club Coordinator
Click here to view thumbnails of each award-winning photograph, which—when clicked—expand to a larger photo and details about the image and how the photographer captured it.
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Founding member, third president, honorary board member for life, active member for 20 years
FOUNDING OLLI MEMBER LILYAN SPERO (photo at right) died peacefully on Saturday, May 21. Lilyan was part of the 1990 steering committee that worked to organize the Learning in Retirement Institute at George Mason University and was an original founding member of our Institute. She served on LRI's first Board of Directors and served as our Institute's third president (1993-1994). Lilyan was later made honorary board member for life, the only individual ever so designated. She remained active at OLLI and enthusiastic about the Institute for 20 years, serving as an inspiration to all who knew her.
     From longtime OLLI member and former president Jan Dewire: Lilyan was a citizen of the political world and devoted to lifelong learning. Her interest started on the Fairfax County Commission on Aging, which supported the establishment of a Learning In Retirement Institute in Northern Virginia. She found one place after another for us to meet. Lilyan loved the courses and was responsible for finding many courses for the program; when she called, people responded. Lilyan could be determined and feisty and, yes, opinionated – but always with love for OLLI. I will surely miss her.
From OLLI member Eileen Duggan: Lilyan will be sorely missed by all of us who considered her a friend. She and her husband, Abe, who predeceased her, were among the early founding members of OLLI. What I loved most about Lilyan was her passion and commitment to effect positive change and to make a difference through civic engagement. She worked long and hard to create opportunities for all the citizens of Fairfax County to attain a better quality of life.
     Donations in Lilyan's memory may be made to the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at George Mason University, 4210 Roberts Rd., Fairfax, VA 22032. Information on a memorial service will be provided to OLLI members when it becomes available.

For more information about Lilyan—
  • OLLI E-News profile of Lilyan.
  • One-minute video of Lilyan's reflections about OLLI.
  • Guide to Retirement Living article about Lilyan and OLLI.


Click image or here to shop
Order sweatshirts, shirts, caps and tote bags with the OLLI/Mason logo at any time directly from the vendor for delivery to your home. At the store, click "OLLI-GMU Store" to see the pictures, then click on each item to see details. Note: The pictures do not show our logo but it will be embroidered on items that you order.

Click icon or here to join
OLLI members are encouraged to join the OLLI Facebook group as a means of enhancing intra-OLLI communications. Recent articles: how to join; how to post photos. (The icon is also under the Quick Links table on our Home page and What's New page.) Note: Once you join the OLLI group, you can access the group from your personal Facebook page by clicking on "Groups" or "More" in the left-side navigation area.

Selected by the OLLI Poetry Workshop

In Arlington

Dulce et Decorum Est Pro Patria Mori*

In Arlington, across the rolling green
That somehow speaks of drums in old tattoo,
The granite hosts in ordered march are seen
In final and perpetual review.

No protests here, no placards on parade,
Within the ranks and columns of the dead.
No chanted slogans, only silent shade
And quiet affirmations left unsaid.

These hosts file past with honors old yet new.
No marches play, but drums and drummers mute
Keep cadence for this timeless, hushed review:
While Duty, standing, takes their last salute.

*It is sweet and becoming to die for one’s country—Horace
(Inscribed on the Amphitheater at Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia.)

Michael McNamara
Colonel,  USA (Ret.)

Note: This poem first appeared in OLLI's Fairfax Ink, issue no. 7 of spring 2006.
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Other Mason events
By Helen Ackerman, OLLI E-News Staff Writer

DMV On Campus. The 32-foot, handicapped-accessible mobile office is equipped to process all DMV transactions such as driver's licenses, identification cards, vehicle titles, license plates, decals, disabled parking permits, and more. DMV 2 Go is wireless and equipped with a Virginia Internet portal through which customers can research and find information about other state services. With a visit from DMV 2 Go, you can take advantage of convenient DMV services without making a trip to a DMV location. Mon, Jun 13 and Tue, Jun 14, 9.00 to 4.00. Parking Lot A.

Upcoming Manassas performances, May 27 - Jun 5 
By Sheri Siesseger, OLLI E-News Staff Writer
FOR TICKETS, call 1-888-945-2468 or click "Buy Tickets" at the event listing in the calendar (phone and online orders are handled by tickets.com; a service charge applies) – or visit the box office in the lobby of the Hylton Performing Arts Center on Mason's Prince William Campus in Manassas, Wed-Sat, noon to 6:00. More info on tickets is at the ticket purchase page.

Hope for Japan: Japan Charity Concert
Mon, May 30, 6:30
     Proceeds from ticket sales for this event will be donated to the American Red Cross for help to victims of the recent Japanese earthquake and tsunami. The program includes "Un bel di" from Madame Butterfly; Lakme Flower Duet; Chopin's Ballade in A flat Major; There is a Balm in Gilead, a traditional spiritual; Sakura-Cherry Blossom, an original piano composition; and Red Dragonfly, a Japanese folk song. A slide show depicting the catastrophe and an exhibit of Japanese art are part of the presentation.
Admission: $20 – 35
Merchant Hall
Prince William Little Theater
The Women
Fri, Jun 3 and Sat, Jun 4, 8:00
Sat, Jun 4 and Sun, Jun 5, 2:00
     Directed by Scott Olson, PWLT presents Clare Boothe Luce's story set in the high society world of New York City during the Great Depression. The play addresses themes including the role of the modern woman, marriage and divorce, friendship, beauty standards, gossip and socioeconomic class.
Admission: $15, adults; $12, seniors and students; $8, children under 12
Gregory Family Theater
Boyle School of Irish Dance
Sun, Jun 5, 6:00
     This program features both short performances by the Boyle School's youngest students as well as performances by its champion dancers.
Admission: $10; children under 12, $5
Merchant Hall

Upcoming non-class events at OLLI
THE FOLLOWING LIST covering the next two weeks is extracted for your convenience from the master calendar maintained by the office, with direct Web links added when available. OLLI members are welcome at all Board, committee and resource group meetings. For more activities specifically related to the Loudoun site, see Roberta Sherman's latest Loudoun Notes (pdf). For more activities specifically related to the Reston site, see Sharon Gilman's latest Eye on Reston (Word document).
     Note: The below list is accurate as of mid-week but for the very latest information, please see Upcoming Non-Class Events to view the real-time OLLI online calendar maintained by the office.
Fri May 27   9am   Recorder Consort - TA-2
     10am   Loudoun Classic Fiction Book Club - Loudoun 205
     11am   Homer Club - Annex
Mon May 30   OLLI offices closed for Memorial Day
Tue May 31  10:30am   Reston Knitting and Needlework Club - Lake Anne Coffee Shop
Wed Jun 1   10am   Tallwood Bridge Club - TA-3
     11:45am   Memoir Writing - Cottage
     1pm   Liaison Meeting - TA-2

Thu Jun 2   10:30am  
Beauty and Her Beasts
at Church of the Good Shepherd
Fri Jun 3  
9am   Recorder Consort - TA-2
     11am   Homer Club - Annex
     11am   French Book and Activity Club - Panera Restaurant in Fairfax City
Mon Jun 6   10am   Tallwood Bridge Club - TA-3
     10am   What's in the Daily News? Continued - TA-1
Wed Jun 8   1:30pm   Memoir Writing - TA-3
     1:30pm   Book Club at Tallwood - TA-2
Fri Jun 10   9am   Recorder Consort - TA-2
     9:30am   Photography Club - TA-1
     10am   Board of Directors Meeting - TA-3
 Homer Club - Annex
Mon Jun 13   Summer Term Begins
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How to contact OLLI
HERE IS A READY REFERENCE on how to contact OLLI. For email addresses and phone numbers not listed below, please consult the online Membership Directory (log in to Member Portal).

About OLLI E-News and the member/volunteers who produce it

Rod Zumbro

Barbara Kyriakakis
Associate Editor
Review Team: Gordon Canyock, Barbara Kyriakakis, John West
Database Manager: Barbara Kyriakakis
  • About this newsletter. OLLI's weekly newsletter, OLLI E-News, is emailed to current OLLI members with email addresses on Fridays. When classes are in session, printed copies of this newsletter are distributed in classrooms. Comments, suggestions or complaints? Please contact Editor Rod Zumbro or Communications Committee Chair Gordon Canyock.
  • Submissions. We encourage members to submit news items, articles and photos for this newsletter. The deadline to the editor is 7:00 pm Wed (7:00 pm Mon for letters to the editor for which an OLLI response is appropriate) for that week's issue; submissions earlier in the week are strongly encouraged and greatly appreciated. Please limit articles to about 250 words. Submit material via email to Editor Rod Zumbro (email rzumbro@gmu.edu).
  • Read the latest issue early. The new weekly issue of OLLI E-News is posted to the OLLI Web site Thursday evening. Read it by visiting http://www.olli.gmu.edu/pubs.htm#enews, where you will find a list of the last 12 issues; click the latest issue listed.
  • Viewing or searching past issues. Your options for finding items in past issues of OLLI E-News include viewing the last 12 issues; searching the content of ALL issues for any word or words; and searching the DocStore archive of all past issues by date or issue number.
Updated: May 27, 2011

Copyright © 2011 Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at George Mason University. Materials in this publication subject to OLLI-Mason copyright may be reproduced for noncommercial educational purposes as long as credit is given to OLLI-Mason.
Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at George Mason University,
4210 Roberts Rd., Fairfax, VA 22032-1028
Phone: (703) 503-3384; Email: olli@gmu.edu; Fax: (703) 503-2832
Original site design and construction by OLLI-Mason member Rod Zumbro.